Milton lives a quiet life of routine in a small Pennsylvania town, but finds his day upended when a UFO and its alien passenger crash in his back garden.
Before long, Milton develops a close relationship with the extra-terrestrial he calls „Jules.“ Things become complicated when two neighbours discover Jules and the government quickly closes in. What follows is a funny, wildly inventive ride as the three neighbours find meaning and connection later in life – thanks to this unlikely stranger.
“In this gentle little comedy from Marc Turtletaub, the picture is elevated by its handling of melancholy themes of ageing and loneliness, and a superb gruff-yet-vulnerable performance from Kingsley.” – Wendy Die – The Guardian
Englische Originalfassung mit Englischem Untertitel
USA 2023; 87 min.; Director: Marc Turtletaub
Cast: Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Zoë Winters a. o.